
Okt/11  –  Okt/13

Tour Orangutan Kalimantan Overnight Houseboat

TN Tanjung Puting

Operator:  Trusted

Rp 1.540.000,00 / orang

Grade: Medium
May not be suitable for children or teenagers under 17 years old. No formal skill necessary but requires good physical condition.
Quota: 8 persons (Max. 15)
Trip Done
Imagine you are an explorer heading out to the jungle to see wild orang utans and other exotic tropical animals and you will begin to get a sense of what a visit to the Tanjung Puting National Park is like.

The park, which covers territory the size of Bali, is home to an amazing array of wildlife including it’s world famous orang utans. The park is also home to monkeys, birds and other wildlife, not to mention the pristine vegetation of the jungle itself. This is a world famous natural treasure which attracts a growing number of international visitors each year.

Tanjung Puting is located in Central Kalimantan. The area was originally declared as a game reserve in 1935 and became a national park in 1982. The park sits on a peninsula that juts out into the Java sea. The sheer size of the park means that it has diverse habitat zones. This diversity means the park is home to a great variety of inhabitants, both flora and fauna.

The incredible jungle surrounds make this an amazing place to visit if you’re after a truly outdoor adventure. It is an oasis of pure clean air, a clear night sky as well as a home to the gentle people of the jungle – the orang utans.

The orang utans are undoubtedly the best known inhabitants of the park, made famous through the work of the Orangutan Research and Conservation Program based at the Camp Leakey research station. Camp Leakey is an orangutan preserve and the site of the longest continuous study of any wild animal in the history of science. With around three quarters of the world’s orang utan’s population living on Borneo, this park is the ideal place to see these incredible creatures in the wild.

Because the vegetation of Tanjung Puting supports a large population of animals this park is one of the most important areas in Southeast Asia for the preservation of primates, birds, reptiles and fish.

To reach the Tanjung Puting National Park take a flight to the Iskandar Airport at Pangkalan Bun from Jakarta or other main Indonesian cities. (Wonderful Indonesia)

Mari Berbagi Buku Cerdaskan Bangsa dengan membawa minimal 1 (satu) buah buku, kemudian bagikan kepada anak-anak usia sekolah (5-15 tahun) di destinasi trip ini. Foto anak-anak itu dengan bukunya, lalu share foto tersebut ke Twitter, Facebook dan akun media sosial lainnnya yang kamu miliki dengan hashtag #1Traveler1Book.

Price Basic:
Rp 1.540.000,00 / orang

  • Down Payment : Rp 1.000.000,00
  • Installment 2 : Rp 540.000,00

Price Include:
- Transfer IN and Out
- Comfortable Boat
- English Speaking Tour Guide
- Fullboard meals
- Softdrinks
- Aqua, Tea, Coffee, Milk, Snacks
- Permits
- Donation
- Ranger
- Cook

Price Exclude:
- Airfare Tickets
- Personal expenses
- Tipping
- Others not stated above

  • Backpacking

Meeting Point:

Day 01: Airport – Kumai – Probiscus Monkey Tour-House Boat (L,D)
Uppon arrival at the airport, meeting service then Proceed to Kumai to get our boat. Onboard, crossing Kumai river in approximately 15 minutes to reach Seikonyer river, the main river in National Park. Lunch will be served on the boat. stop and see feeding of orangutan on the first feeding station named Tanjung Harapan. Passing the river with full of probiscus monkeys to observe.dinner and overnight on the boat.

Day 02: Houseboat – Pondok Tanggui – Camp Leakey – Houseboat (B,L,D)
After break fast, we will do activity at Pondok Tanggui the second rehabilitation center where we can enjoy many babies and juveniles at feeding area around 09.00 AM, taking pictures while having the information from your guide about them. We continue our tour to reach the highlight of National Park, Camp Leakey area. It will pass the black river which is full of wildlife within such as many kind of birds, primates, fish, also crocodiles. At 12.00 is the lunch times which will be served by our own cook which special various food. Arriving at Camp Leakey, we have hiking track into the forest to gain information of the heterogen forest wildlife while observing some wild animal as well. We continue our tour by following orangutan feeding program which is being held at 14.00, bringing milk and fruits, feeders will lead us to the state platform. We will enjoy the situation till 16.00 back to the boat, downstream to River mouth for overnight and having dinner. (B,L,D)

Day 03: Houseboat –Kumai-Airport (B)
After breakfast on the boat, boating down to Kumai then transferred to the airport for your next destination.(cool

About Me

100% Traveller adalah Travel Planner yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dengan kreativitas, Kami menyediakan paket-paket Liburan atau Wisata, baik domestik ataupun non-domestik yang berkualitas bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.


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- Peserta tidak mempunyai riwayat kesehatan yang membahayakan diri sendiri atau peserta lain.
- Satu orang pun bisa bergabung dalam trip, tetapi apabila keseluruhan peserta yang bergabung kurang dari ketentuan yang berlaku, maka biaya akan kami sesuaikan.
- Peserta yang membatalkan keikutsertaannya tidak mendapat pengembalian biaya yang telah dibayarkan.
- Jadwal acara/Itinerary bisa berubah tergantung cuaca dan kondisi lalu lintas.
- DP akan kami kembalikan 100% apabila ada pembatalan dari pihak kami karena sesuatu hal.
- Kami tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak dapat dituntut atas:

* Kecelakaan, kehilangan barang saat di penginapan dan alat transportasi lainnya.
* Perubahan acara perjalanan akibat dari bencana alam, kerusuhan, pemogokan, perubahan cuaca, peraturan pemerintah setempat dan lain sebagainya yang bersifat force majeur.
* Biaya pengobatan bagi peserta yang mendadak sakit dan meneruskan perawatan dokter ataupun rumah sakit setempat atau sekembalinya ke kota asal.
* Peserta Meninggal dunia dikarenakan sakit yang diderita, kecelakaan, dan lain-lain.
* Akibat hukum yang timbul dari perbuatan pribadi peserta

Catatan Penting: Peserta dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui semua ketentuan di atas.

Terms and Regulations:
- Membayar DP as Commitment fee sebesar IDR 1.000.000,-, bisa dimulai dari Notes/event di-publish atau bisa juga langsung melunasi full.
- Pembayaran DP kami terima paling lambat 2 minggu sebelum hari-H.
- Untuk pelunasan, kami terima paling lambat seminggu sebelum hari-H.
- Pendaftaran akan ditutup sewaktu-waktu bila quota maksimal terpenuhi.
- Pembayaran bisa ditransfer ke :

* Bank Mandiri : a/c.1240005157889 an.NELVY
* BCA : a/c.5540405702 an.NELVY

- Setelah konfirmasi pembayaran, kirimkan email ke kami dengan melampirkan bukti transfer, serta tuliskan juga biodata lengkap untuk referensi :

Nama Lengkap (seperti yang tertulis di Paspor/KTP) :
Tanggal Lahir:
Nomor Paspor (untuk Internasional Trip):
Alamat tinggal:
Status bekerja atau mahasiswa etc.:
No Hape:
Pin BB:
Jenis Kelamin:

Necessary Equipments:

- Harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah berdasarkan konfirmasi dari pihak yang terkait seperti akomodasi, transportasi, kurs mata uang asing, dll.
- Tidak ada pengembalian/refund untuk service/porsi yang tidak terpakai
- Harga paket berlaku untuk per-orang
- Peserta kami anggap melakukan pendaftaran (booking), apabila telah melakukan proses DP. Diluar itu, Kami anggap belum melakukan pendaftaran.

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