
Okt/01  –  Okt/06



Rp 5.900.000,00 / orang

Grade: Light
Safe for everyone, including children. No formal skill necessary.
Quota: 4 persons (Max. 8)
Trip Done
The Maluku Islands, also known asthe Moluccas. Most of the islands are mountainous,some with active volcanoes, and enjoy a wet climate.
The Maluku Islands have a total area of 850,000 km2, 90% of which is sea. There are an estimated 1027 islands. Thelargest two islands, Halmahera and Seram are sparselypopulated, while the most developed, Ambon and Ternate aresmall.
Moluccas Beaches is really amazing and offeringan overwhelmed view which urforgetable and no one in the world, anotherparadise of Indonesia. Luxurious resort with the price starting from 1 millionrupiah / night or floating guest house like you are in Maldives or simpletraditional house as a guest house is available there.
In addition, the landscape is equally whencompared to Lanikai Oahu beach in Hawaii or Maldives island. It is ourresponsibility to keep the natural of magnificent view of this island so westill can enjoy it until next year and future.
On this island, the sea corals and its biota isstill well growth and natural because not many tourist knowing this place andnot too exposed so the underwater view is really beautiful. Beside snorkling,another activity that we can do here is crossing the Salawai River to see theSago making process ( Sago is the side dish of Maluku people), Coconut harvest,and or seeing so many bird variety on the creek at Teluk Sulaiman. We also cando trekking across the jungle on Negeri Sawai to visit Education andconservation area of Burung Kakatua Seram and Nuri Seram (special Parrots andpopinjay from Maluku). We will do caving, waterfall, or spend the night in atree house in the middle of a jungle.

Mari Berbagi Buku Cerdaskan Bangsa dengan membawa minimal 1 (satu) buah buku, kemudian bagikan kepada anak-anak usia sekolah (5-15 tahun) di destinasi trip ini. Foto anak-anak itu dengan bukunya, lalu share foto tersebut ke Twitter, Facebook dan akun media sosial lainnnya yang kamu miliki dengan hashtag #1Traveler1Book.

Price Basic:
Rp 5.900.000,00 / orang


Price Include:
1. 5x Car charter for overland tour.
2. High Speed Boat PP
3. 3 Days Boat charter for Hoping Island
4. 3N Resort, 2N at Homestay & Resort AC
5. 13x meals.

Price Exclude:
Airlines ticket, airport tax, & guide tips

  • Beach Exploring
  • Island Hopping
  • Snorkeling

Meeting Point:

Itinerary :

Day 1
Jakarta – Ambon – Negri Saleman
( Pantai Nestapa,Giant Morray,Pemandian Air Hangat )

Day 2
Explore The Ora Eco Resort
( Mata Air Dingin,Laut Tawar,Karts Tour, Coral Garden )

Day 3
Explore Pulau 6 / Bat Island & Secret Island

Day 4
River Tour
( Bird Watching,Crocodile,Snake,Sagu )

Day 5
Coral Garden – Ambon
City Tour or To Jakarta

Day 6
Ambon City Tour – Jakarta


Operator Contact Details

Only TripTrus member can see operator contact details (Phone, E-mail, etc.).
Please Sign In or Register, it's FREE!
Terms and Conditions:
Payment unrefundable. All thepayment can do by Cash, bank transfer, Debit, VISA, MASTER CARD, AMEX. If there’s only certain people joining, then price/pax will be changed. Price can be changed anytime depends on the occasions terms. This itinerary can be changed and/or canceled if as a consequence of “Force Majeure”, and the customer shall not be at liberty to maintain a claim for compensation or any loss.
Minimum participant is 4 person and maksimum is 8 person.Please take a note of the facility because its count on the price. Schedule isflexible depend on the weather and condition on the land. This trip will involve the local from Moluccas, and. Must health physically,good attitude, positive thinking and have togetherness. Please we support the Government Program of Visit Indonesia year 2013.

Terms and Regulations:

Necessary Equipments:

Schedule :
1 - 6 October 2013
1 - 6 November 2013

Video :

+628567744444 dan +622199744444

Name: Bank Mandiri
Beneficiary : Ricky D.Wn
Acc. No.: 9000008696453

Other Trip from Wisata Bahari Indonesia


Essentials Derawan Essentials Derawan
Rp 1.950.000,00/orang
Grade : Light Safe for everyone, including children. No formal skill necessary.


Misool Misool
Rp 7.900.000,00/orang
Grade : Medium May not be suitable for children or teenagers under 17 years old. No formal skill necessary but requires good physical condition.


Raja Ampat Backpacker Raja Ampat Backpacker
Rp 5.500.000,00/orang
Grade : Medium May not be suitable for children or teenagers under 17 years old. No formal skill necessary but requires good physical condition.


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