Price Basic:Rp 480.000,00 / orang
Installments:- Down Payment : Rp 240.000,00
- Installment 2 : Rp 240.000,00
HARGA TRIP OPEN: Rp.480.000/pax
-Tiket feri PP Pelabuhan Bakauheni-Pelabuhan Merak
-Transportasi AC Bakauheni-Pelabuhan Canti
-Makan 4x (makan siang dan makan malam di hari Sabtu, makan pagi dan
makan siang di hari Minggu)
-Air Mineral
-Traditional Homestay (share room 1 room max 7 orang)
-Life vest
-Tip supir
-Guide Lokal
-Dokumentasi Upwater sepanjang perjalanan
-Dokumentasi Upwater dan Underwater
-Transportasi dari rumah ke tempat meeting point
-Snorkel gears (Rp 90.000 / 2 hari)
-Upgrade kapal ke kelas AC
Activities:- Backpacking
- Beach Exploring
- Cultural trip
- Diving
- Family Vacation
- Island Hopping
- Snorkeling
Meeting Point:Merak Harbor
Day 1
20:00-21:00: Meeting point di Slipi Jaya Mall Jakarta Barat di depan Dunkin Donuts
21:00-24:00: Perjalanan Darat Jakarta-Merak
Day 2
00:00-00:30: Administrasi dan persiapan masuk kapal
00:30-04:00: Perjalanan laut dengan kapal feri dari Merak ke Bakauheni
04:00-07:00: Perjalanan dara tpelabuhan Bakauheni - pelabuhan Ketapang (solat shubuh bagi peserta muslim di tengah perjalanan)
07:00-08:00: Sarapan pagi (exclude)
08:00-08:30: Pelabuhan ketapang-Pulau Kelagian
08:30-09:30: Check in homestay di Pulau Kelagian Besar dan persiapan snorkeling
09:30-11:30: Perjalanan laut Pulau Kelagian Besar-Tanjung Putus
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norkeling di Tanjung Putus
13:00-14:00: Makan siang di atas kapal (Include)
14:00-15:00: Penyebrangan Laut Tanjung Putus-Pahawang Kecil
15:00-16:00: Explore dan photo hunting di Pulau Pahawang Kecil
16:00-16:30: Penyebrangan laut Pulau Pahawang Kecil-Pulau Kelagian Kecil
16:30-18:00: Explore, Photo Hunting, dan Sun Set Time
18:00-18:30: Kembali ke Pulau Kelagian Besar
18:30-20:00: Bersih-bersih
20:00-22:00: Makan malam dan malam persahabatan (include dinner)
22:00-04:00: istirahat
Day 3
04:00-05:00: Bangun pagi dan solat shubuh bagi yang muslim
05:00-06:00: Explore dan photo hunting di Pulau Kelagian Besar
06:00-07:00: Makan pagi (include breakfast)
07:00-08:00: Perjalanan laut Pulau Kelagian Besar-Pulau Gosong
08:00-09:00: Explore Pulau Gosong
09:00-10:00: Snorkeling di Pulau Tegalan
10:00-11:00: Makan siang (include lunch)
11:00-12:00: Perjalanan pulau tegalan-Pulau Kelagian Besar
12:00-13:00: Persiapan check out dan bersih-bersih
13:00-13:30: Penyebrangan Pulau Kelagian Besar-Dermaga Katapang
13:30-16:30: Dermaga Katapang-Bakauheni
16:30-17:30: Persiapan masuk kapal dan administrasi
17:30-20:00: Penyebrangan Pelabuhan Bakauheni-Pelabuhan Merak
20:00-23:00: Pelabuhan Merak-Jakarta
About Me
Travel company is dedicated for Indonesia. From backpacker, traveler, flashpacker,and tourist. For introducing how beautiful Indonesia it is. Unique local culture, beauty beaches, fabulous mountainous.
Operator Contact Details
Only TripTrus member can see operator contact details (Phone, E-mail, etc.).
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Terms and Conditions:AGREEMENTS :
2) FIRST DP (DOWN PAYMENT) FIRST SEAT. The quickest DP, the main list of participant (If before the end of DP time the quota reaches to maximum, automatically registration is closed).
3) If you are booking for group please calculate the down payment with sum of people in your group.
4) The rest of the trip cost of repayment IDR 310.000/pax no later than one week before event.
5) Trip will not be held if you are not paying full payment.
6) For further information please open tab "operator"
7) Rent Snorkel or Not (Optional just for beach trip which include snorkeling and snorkeling gears out of trip package. Please let us your foot size for flippers if you are rent)
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Returns DP after settlement:
• 100% full refunds if participants asked other substitutes.
• CANCEL H-6 (six days before event) returned 50%.
• CANCEL H-3 (three days before event) returned 25%.
• CANCEL H-2, H-1 and Last Minute before event NOT RETURNED.
9) If the minimum quota doesn’t enough :
The trip still will be going on but with rearrangement budget as totally participant who come in and agreements between participant and IDEA Trip Indonesia.
Trip will be reschedule until minimum participant enough. (Participant follow next trip schedule based on Open Trip Schedule)
Trip is canceled and down payment or all redemption fees will be returned 100% in the event of cancellation by IDEA Trip Indonesia.
10) IDEA Trip Indonesia assumes when participant is paying down payment or full payment that agree and understand clearly all details in this agreements and force majure.
Terms and Regulations: -
Necessary Equipments:STUFFS YOU SHOULD BRING :
- Hat
- Sunblock SPF 50 for face, and SPF 30 for body
- Personal drugs
- Snack
- Shoes or sandals
- Bikini
- Clothes for 2 day 1 night
- Make up kit and bath equipments
- Sun glasses
- Swim suite or wet suite (if you have)
Info:For further information please open tab "operator"