Terms and Conditions:FORCE MAJOR & AGREEMENTS
2) FIRST DP (DOWN PAYMENT) FIRST SEAT. The quickest DP, the main list of participant (If before the end of DP time the quota reaches to maximum, automatically registration is closed).
3) Down Payment is half of trip package (50%). Down Payment is IDR 225.000/pax
4) Please send your down payment in 2 weeks before event to :
• BANK BNI Account Name SHINTA ISMAYA 0254180764.Or
• BAN BCA Account Name SHINTA ISMAYA 2101352767
5) If you are booking for group please calculate the down payment with sum of people in your group.
6) The rest of the trip cost of repayment IDR 225.000 no later than 3 days before event.
7) Trip will not be held if you are not paying full payment.

Evidence of transfer should be submitted via:
9) Please complete your data after pay down payment and email it to ideatrip.id@gmail.com. Here you should fill :
- Full Name
- Gender
- Age
- Cell Phone/HP
- Emergency Contact
- Address
- Email
- Trip Name and Date of The Trip
- BANK Transfer
10) Returns DP after settlement:
- 100% full refunds if participants asked other substitutes.
- CANCEL H-6 (six days before event) returned 50%.
- CANCEL H-3 (three days before event) returned 25%.
- CANCEL H-2, H-1 and Last Minute before event NOT RETURNED.
11) If the minimum quota doesn’t enough :
- The trip still will be going on but with rearrangement budget as totally participant who come in and agreements between participant and IDEA Trip Indonesia.
- Trip will be reschedule until minimum participant enough. (Participant follow next trip schedule based on Open Trip Schedule)
- Trip is canceled and down payment or all redemption fees will be returned 100% in the event of cancellation by IDEA Trip Indonesia.
12) IDEA Trip Indonesia assumes when participant is paying down payment or full payment that agree and understand clearly all details in this agreements and force majure.
13) Noted that itinerary is conditionally. It can be changed during the event because of bad weather, traffic, or others factor that out of from IDEA Trip Indonesia control.
Terms and Regulations: -
Necessary Equipments:THINGS YOU SHOULD BRING :
1. T-shirt and clothes
2. Sandals
3. Personal drugs
Info: -