Mari Berbagi Buku Cerdaskan Bangsa dengan membawa minimal 1 (satu) buah buku, kemudian bagikan kepada anak-anak usia sekolah (5-15 tahun) di destinasi trip ini.
Foto anak-anak itu dengan bukunya, lalu share foto tersebut ke Twitter, Facebook dan akun media sosial lainnnya yang kamu miliki dengan hashtag #1Traveler1Book.
Price Basic:Rp 600.000,00 / orang
Installments:- Down Payment : Rp 300.000,00
- Installment 2 : Rp 300.000,00
Price Include:Facilities
1. Tour Guide
2. Transportation during the trip.
3. All entrance fee and tickets.
4. Local fisherman boat to cross to Sempu Island.
5. Eats 3 times and bread stock during camping at Pulau Sempu.
6. Mineral water during the trip.
7. Camping equipments.
8. Photos documentation.
Price Exclude: -
Activities:- Beach Exploring
- Cave Exploring
- Family Vacation
- Island Hopping
Meeting Point:
Terminal Arjosari Malang
Pulau Sempu, Goa Cina
Day 1
08.00 – 09.00 Meeting point at Malang, and breifing.
09.00 – 12.00 We will drive to Sendang Biru beach, the main gate to cross to Sempu island.
12.00 – 13.00 Arrive at Sendang Biru beach, and rest for while.
13.00 – 13.30 Cross to Sempu island using local fisherman boat.
13.30 – 15.30 Trekking to Segoro Anakan, it will takes around 2 hours.
15.30 – 16.30 Sharing jobs, to build a tent and other to find dry wood to make fire near by tent.
16.30 – 19.00 Free acitivities while enjoying sunset of Sempu Island.
19.00 – 21.00 Barbacue and enjoy the stock for dinner.
21.00 – 00.00 Free activities and rest.
Day 2
06.00 – 07.00 Breakfast, we can eat the stocks.
07.00 – 09.00 Free activities, swiming at Segoro Anakan and capturing moments.
09.00 – 11.30 Packing, and then back to Sendang Biru beach.
11.30 – 13.00 Rest and lunch.
13.00 – 14.00 Of Sendang Biru beach we will continue to visit Goa Cina beach.
14.00 – 18.00 Arrive at Goa Cina beach, we will enjoy this beach until sun set.
18.00 – 19.00 Rest and dinner.
19.00 – 21.00 Back to Malang.
21.30 – **.** End of trip and sparation.
About Me
Tropical Breeze of Indonesia
Operator Contact Details
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Terms and Conditions:
Deadline DP1 (50%)
Deadline Pelunasan (50%) - 16 agustus 2013
1. Untuk memastikan booking, peserta harus membayar uang muka / DP sebesar yang telah ditentukan 14 Hari sebelum hari H keberangkatan dan menyertakan bersama DP tersebut data diri meliputi : Nama lengkap, Kota asal, Email dan Nomer HP.
2. Konfirmasi pembayaran DP melalui transfer paling lambat 1×24 jam.
3. DP Peserta dianggap hangus jika peserta membatalkan keikutsertaannya.
4. Jika terjadi pembatalan event perjalanan oleh panitia karena sebab yang tidak bisa ditanggulangi, maka DP yang sudah dibayarkan peserta akan dikembalikan.
5. Kuota minimum adalah 5 orang dan maksimum adalah 10 orang, Jika sampai batas waktu terakhir pendaftaran kuota minimum tidak terpenuhi, maka trip ini akan dibatalkan dan DP/Cash peserta akan dikembalikan.
Terms and Regulations:
Necessary Equipments:
1. Warm Jackets.
2. Clothes.
3. Personal medicine.
4. Snack.
5. Soes.
6. Identity Cards.
7. Camera Personal equipments.
Contact Person: Asghan Reza Yuarsa Putra
HP : 08175043413
PIN BB : 320D35C4