
Agu/16  –  Agu/19

Alas Purwo National Park And G-land Plengkung

Taman Nasional Alas Purwo

Operator: Keliling Nusantara  Trusted

Rp 1.000.000,00 / orang

Grade: Medium
May not be suitable for children or teenagers under 17 years old. No formal skill necessary but requires good physical condition.
Quota: 5 persons (Max. 20)
Trip Done

Mari Berbagi Buku Cerdaskan Bangsa dengan membawa minimal 1 (satu) buah buku, kemudian bagikan kepada anak-anak usia sekolah (5-15 tahun) di destinasi trip ini. Foto anak-anak itu dengan bukunya, lalu share foto tersebut ke Twitter, Facebook dan akun media sosial lainnnya yang kamu miliki dengan hashtag #1Traveler1Book.

Price Basic:
Rp 1.000.000,00 / orang

  • Down Payment : Rp 500.000,00
  • Installment 2 : Rp 500.000,00

Price Include:
1. Tour Guide.
2. Transportation during the trip.
3. All entrance tickets Tickets to cross to Bedul beach.
4. Eats (meals) 5 times.
5. Home stay at residents house at Kendal Rejo village
6. Becycle to explore Bedul beach and Ngagelan beach.
7. Photos documentation copied to flash drive.

Price Exclude:

  • Backpacking
  • Beach Exploring
  • Diving
  • Family Vacation
  • Historical Places
  • Island Hopping
  • Snorkeling

Meeting Point:
Jatim Expo Surabaya

Pantai Bedul, Konservasi Penyu Ngagelan, Pura Luhur Giri Salaka, Pantai Pancur, Plengkung, Sadengan., Goa Istana, a
Destinasi Trip:
1. Bedul Beach
2. Ngagelan – Turtles Conservation Center inside Alas Purwo
3. Pura Luhur Giri Salaka
4. Pancur Beach
5. Plengkung Beach- One of the best surfing beach in the world.
6. Sadengan – Natural savannah inside Alas Purwo.
Plucking oranges and enjoy it.

Day 1
20.00 – 21.00: All participants has to be at Meeting point and then briefing.
21.00 – 00.00: We will drive to Banyuwangi, it will takes 7-8 hours.
Facilities: Transportations.

Day 2
04.00 – 05.00: We will arrive at Kendal Rejo village – Banyuwangi.
05.00 – 07.00: Rest and breakfast.
07.00 – 09.00: Plucking orange fruit just as you want.
09.00 – 10.00: We will start this tour by visiting Bedul Beach, it will takes 30 minutes.
10.00 – 13.00: We will cross small straits to reach a part of Alas Purwo National Part and then will start trekking Alas Purwo by becycle inside forest heading Ngagelan, turtles conservation center.
13.00 – 15.00: We will arrive at Ngagelan beach, here we can watch turtles conserved.
15.00 – 18.00: From Ngagelan beach, we will trekk along the beach by becycle back to Bedul beach, during trekking we can enjoy sunset.
18.00 – 19.00: Backt to home stay at Kendal Rejo village then rest.
19.00 – 20.00: Dinner.
20.00 – 21.00: Free activities and rest.
Facilities: Transportation, stocks for lunch, dinner, becycle, entrance tickets to Bedul beachTransportasi, bekal makan siang, makan malam, sepeda, tiket masuk pantai Bedul, boat charges to cross to Bedul beach, mineral water.

Day 3
04.00 – 05.00: Wake up in the morning.
05.00 – 06.00: We will have breakfast before we start to explore Alas Purwo National Park and G-Land Plengkung.
06.00 – 08.00: Trip to Alas Purwo, it will takes about 3 hours. during the trip we will stop at Pura Luhur Giri Salaka, one of the holy temple used by Hinduis to pray. Then we will stop at Pancur beach. From here private vehicle can not be used anymore.
08.00 – 11.00: We will enjoy Pancur beach, then after that we will continue to visit Istana cave located about 2 km form Pancur, we will reach this cave by walk down the jungle.
11.00 – 12.00: Back to Pancur and then lunch.
12.00 – 13.00: From here we will continue to Plengkung beach, one of the best surfing beach in the world.
13.00 – 14.00: Arrive at Plengkung beach, we can enjoy the moments and watch surfer play between waves with high of 6-7 meters.
14.00 – 15.00: Back to Pancur beach.
15.00 – 17.00: Next we will visit Sadengan, Natural savannah inside Alas Purwo, here we can fine wild animal lives at their natural habitat, just like dear, java bull, pigs and sometimes tigers. they are save inside Alas Purwo.
17.00 – 19.00: Back to Home stay at Kendal Rejo village.
19.00 – 21.00: Rest, dinner and then packing.
21.00 – 00.00: Back to Surabaya.
Facilities: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, transportation,entrance tickets to Alas Purwo, truck to send us to Plengkung, mineral waters.

Day 4
04.00 – 05.00: We will arrive at Surabaya and then sparation at Meeting point.

Keliling Nusantara

About Me

Tropical Breeze of Indonesia


Operator Contact Details

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Terms and Conditions:
Deadline DP1 (50%)
Deadline Pelunasan (50%) - 16 Agustus 2013

1. Untuk memastikan booking, peserta harus membayar uang muka / DP sebesar yang telah ditentukan 14 Hari sebelum hari H keberangkatan dan menyertakan bersama DP tersebut data diri meliputi : Nama lengkap, Kota asal, Email dan Nomer HP.
2. Konfirmasi pembayaran DP melalui transfer paling lambat 1×24 jam.
3. DP Peserta dianggap hangus jika peserta membatalkan keikutsertaannya.
4. Jika terjadi pembatalan event perjalanan oleh panitia karena sebab yang tidak bisa ditanggulangi, maka DP yang sudah dibayarkan peserta akan dikembalikan.
5. Kuota minimum adalah 5 orang dan maksimum adalah 10 orang, Jika sampai batas waktu terakhir pendaftaran kuota minimum tidak terpenuhi, maka trip ini akan dibatalkan dan DP/Cash peserta akan dikembalikan.

Terms and Regulations:

Necessary Equipments:
1. Warm Jackets and clohts.
2. Personal medicine.
3. Snacks.
4. Soes and sandals.
5. Identity Cards Camera Bathing equipments.
6. Binocular.

Contact Person: Asghan Reza Yuarsa Putra
HP : 08175043413
PIN BB : 320D35C4

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